2023-24 Experiential Learning Activities Outside the Classroom

K1 Class

Visit Jordan Valley Park

Date:15 April, 2024

Content:Visit Jordan Valley Park, allowing young children to observe the colors and shapes of flowers, enjoy the fun of outings, and learn to cherish nature.


Observe maritime transportation vehicles

Date:11 June, 2024

Content:Through visiting Kwun Tong Promenade Park, learn about proper etiquette when taking public transportation, experience and practice the rules of using transportation vehicles, and observe both land and maritime transportation.


K2 Class

Victoria Harbour Tour

Date:1 March, 2024

Content:By taking children to Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier to ride the cross-harbor ferry to Wan Chai, allow them to experience the journey from Kowloon to Hong Kong Island. During the process, they can observe both sides of Victoria Harbour, understand that the harbor separating Kowloon and Hong Kong Island is Victoria Harbour, and thus strengthen the children’s understanding of the geography of Hong Kong.


Visit the Insect House

Date:3 July, 2024

Content:Visit the Insect House at Tai Po Waterfront Park, allowing children to get up close with different insect species through insect specimens and models. Through this activity, cultivate a sense of cherishing animals in children.


K3 Class

Visit the Food Angel

Date:4 & 5 January, 2024

Content:”Every Grain Counts Pavilion” is the first physical exhibition in Hong Kong that integrates the concepts of food conservation and care. During the journey, children will encounter knowledge about food conservation and gain an understanding of food waste and hunger issues in Hong Kong. It is hoped that after experiencing this journey, students can make small changes to reduce food waste and take small actions to care for those in need in society. Through this journey, awakening a sense of care and promoting the concept of food conservation!


Visit the Hong Kong Space Museum

Date:22 April, 2024

Content:Through visiting activities, let young children observe the Earth from space to understand the rules of its rotation and revolution, grasp how the Earth’s tilted axis causes the seasons and affects the sunlight and temperature variations in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Furthermore, they will learn how to define and divide the seasons from an astronomical perspective, fostering in them a spirit of exploring the mysteries of the universe.