School Profile


Our kindergarten was established by Peace Evangelical Centre in September 1988. The school management committee is formed by professionals who are Christians and have educational aspirations. The committee members include Dr. Chui Hong Sheung (dean of Hang Seng School of Commerce), Mr. Wong Kai Hong, (founder and principal of Peace Evangelical Secondary School) and Mr. Yuen Shue Tong (certified public accountant).

The first Peace Evangelical Centre Kindergarten is located in Shatin Wai Wah Centre. In the beginning, the area of the premises was about 4,000 square feet and there were only 8 students who were taught by principal, Ms. Wong Siu Lan and two teachers. One year later, with the support from the Small World Christian Kindergarten, we adopted Montessori Theory and Teaching Curriculum Biblical Foundation for Early Childhood Education as the teaching methods. We place emphasis on the cultivation of Christian virtues and adopted a student-centered teaching approach. Under our guidance, students have shown improvements in their behaviors as well as their learning abilities and interest in learning. Peace Evangelical Centre Kindergartens are therefore well-recognized by educators and gain popularity among parents.

The second Peace Evangelical Centre Kindergarten was established in Tsing Yi Cheung Wang Estate in 2001. The area of premises was about 8,000 square feet so 300 children could be accommodated.

In 2002, God blessed us so the third Peace Evangelical Centre Kindergarten was established in Sheung Mun House, Upper Ngau Tau Kok Estate. The school area was about 6,000 square feet and there were more than 200 students.

With the efforts over the years, the achievements of the kindergartens established by Peace Evangelical Centre were recognized so in June 2008, our application for establishment of the fourth kindergarten in Tin Shui Wai Tin Ching Estate was accepted. The area of the kindergarten was about 9,000 square feet.

We are glad that we could have the opportunity to serve families in Tin Shui Wai. Therefore, in this kindergarten, we would continue to work on our goals of providing Christian Education and running a school which is loved by God and people.